Melancholy & Bacon

Give 'em the finger

August 08, 2024 Melancholy & Bacon Episode 8

"For me the finger represents the thing that you can turn to no matter what is going on, that helps keep you sane."

In the world today, it sometimes feels like there is a never ending tug of war taking place for our time. We are constantly being pulled this way by that thing, and that way by this thing, and slantways and longways and backways... when so many things are demanding so much from us, how do we try and maintain some balance, and keep ourselves from getting lost in the fray?

In this episode I talk about just that. An adapted concept I call, the "one thing". I'll share with you the completely random thing that spurred the theory, what it means to me, a brief look into what my "one thing" is, and try and give a little guidance on how you might be able to figure out your own "one thing". And maybe, just maybe along the way even make sense of what giving them the finger is all about.

A huge thanks goes out to Nyk Fry for contributing a few tracks of his amazing foley work, that I was able to piece together for use in this episode!

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